суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

canto 17

So the suck that was work today pretty much whiped me out and I�managed to accomplish next to nothing on my halloween costume.� I�marked the gore slits on the fashion and lining fabric...thatapos;s all....I�know HUGE�accomplishment. But I did do some fabric shopping mmm fabric shopping. I picked up this lovely calico for my dress and I get to the cutting counter, itapos;s on two bolts and I ask Pat if she could call it one peice so I could use my coupon and she says sure. Then she says "oh wait...itapos;s on clearance" so this fabric I�thought was 3.99 that I could get for 2 bucks was in fact 2 bucks in clearance which is half off this week and therefore 1 dollar a yard PLUS�my 15 discount Thatapos;s right people I�got my costume fabric for 85 cents a yard wheeeee
canto 17, canto 16, canto 15.

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